
Joshua Lindquist

Worshipper and lover of God with a passionate fire for a global harvest and revival.

Revival with Sean Feucht in Chicago, IL

Street Revival With Sean Feucht, Chicago, IL 2020

Sparking & Connecting Global Revival

Joshua travels to many countries around the world each year sparking and connecting global revival. He has a heart to see the prayer movement married & working together with the missions movement producing a mass harvest of souls. Then after many come to Jesus, he has a heart to see communities of discipleship rise up everywhere like you see in the book of Acts.

Joshua also has a passion to envision market place leaders to rise up & reach the lost in the business arena and joyfully be a part of connecting & funding the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen. His goal is to see the prayer movement, Missions movement & marketplace movement all working together.

As a young leader in the prayer movement, Joshua is currently working with the USA based prayer and worship movement called Awaken The Dawn.

Josh also currently lives in the USA. However, he travels the majority of the year & considers the nations equally his home as that is where his heart is.

The Lord challenged Josh to be like Jesus and the disciples of old and focus on bringing revival to the streets again. But he is open to speaking at churches, ministries & events if he feels the Lord leading him.

If you would like to invite Josh to speak, contact him HERE.

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