Ministry Partners

This is Josh’s is home base in Brazil. Home to his Brazilian Spiritual Mother Ezenette Rodrigues who is the intercession pastor of Lagoinha church of Belo Horzonte. They have a remarkable restoration and inner healing ministry if anyone is looking for a place to go to to receive deep restoration. At their “Paradise Ranch” they have seen thousands of lives, marriages & Ministries restored.

Exploits Worship Center is Josh’s home base for Kenya & East Africa. It is the Home Church of his dear friend apostle Julius Suubie.

The European School Supernatural Ministry is a ministry school in Lisbon Portugal that trains missionaries from all over the world. It is hosted within the Portugal House of prayer & kingdom business center. The leader is Rodrigues Pereira. This is Josh‘s base for Europe

Awaken The Dawn

Awaken The Dawn is a grassroots movement of day and night worship, prayer and missions. Beyond the events, we are a nationwide family with the shared value of hosting the presence of God, leading to a third great awakening in America and the nations.

We are on a journey to see America awakened, re-oriented, and transformed around the presence of God. Our vision is to see a third great awakening as we disciple America to host the presence of God.

We are laying tracks for a sustainable movement of worship, prayer, and gospel proclamation in public and on campuses that will result in Jesus’ worth being displayed.

This is a rescue mission to a generation and a nation.

The sustainable tracks for awakening include relational networks, regional gatherings and training, grassroots tent worship and prayer movements, and a return to the Mall in DC in 2020. When we returned to the Mall, it was as a national family reunion both to contend for greater things and to celebrate all that God has done in the previous few years! Now is the time for profound HOPE for America.

  1. Mobilize and unify churches, ministries, and believers to face the issue together. Only a united church can heal a divided nation.

  2. Develop a multi-racial diverse team of believers to model unity that we want to see in the communities we are reaching.

  3. Engage: Raise a prayer, worship, and intercession over the unrest to shift the spiritual atmosphere and establish the kingdom of God which is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

  4. Proclaim the gospel to bring a change of hearts and cleansing of sin. Racism is not a skin issue but a sin issue.

  5. Move into repentance and forgiveness.

  6. Grant forgiveness to let the healing begin to the deepest cuts and wounds.

  7. Develop teaching and training materials to mentor a new generation of reformers to have a solid biblical worldwide view of race that is not tainted by history and old cultural mindsets.

  8. Reformation: Rebuild the community, reform systems and deal with systemic issues of the economic marginalization, poverty, broken families, and the roots of civil unrest.

  9. Hold Unity Revival Services to act as a catalyst of saturating the atmosphere with the gospel that leads to repentance, healing and racial reconciliation.

  10. Build systems for developing strong multi-racial churches that model the face of the diverse community they serve.

Jerusalem House of Prayer

Jerusalem House of Prayer

We have all received power from the Holy Spirit. We are called to be witnesses from Jerusalem to all nations. Join us and let’s fulfill this great commission in divine unity.

Fulfilling the King’s Great Commission of the Kingdom of God All Nations (Isaiah 43:10-12, Acts 1:8)
24/7 Harp & Bowl (Isaiah 62:4-7)
Let My People Go: Aliyah to Israel! (Isaiah 43:5-6, Hosea 11:10)
Isaiah 19 Highway: Egypt, Israel & Assyria Worshipping Together (Isaiah 19:23-25)
All Nations Convocation Jerusalem & Watchmen’s Tour of Israel (Isaiah 56:7-8)
Publishing & Media (Isaiah 52:7-10, Isaiah 2:3)
Humanitarian Aid & Jerusalem Children’s Fund (Isaiah 58:7)

Love Twin Cities with Joshua Lindquist

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